Monday, July 5, 2021

Iris chibi (Fire Force) papercraft

Decided to do a whole range of chibi papercrafts fitting in a whole project, since I love making chibis ‘coz they are so adorable and easy to make. So, what else to do than one of my favorite series of the last 10 years, “Enen no Shouboutai” or “Fire Force” :)

As you can see from the preview image, this is the chibi papercraft of Iris, the gentle soul and spiritual beacon of the group XD

The papercraft is unfolded to 20 cm and consists of 9 pages to print. It is made out of a 3D Iris model, with simple 2D 2-sided hands that are just glued on like that for super simple assembly (posed with her praying “Latom”). She has some additional 2D parts as highlights on the model, such as her long 2-sided veil and her simple shoulder pads, that are just glued on like that.

Along with that, I have also updated my unfold patterns to be even more logical on how and what parts to put together, so the templates come not only with the edge ID PDF files to see how to assemble them, but also with written notes and clues on what parts go together, written besides the relevant parts in the templates. Even simpler assembly, and a simple 3D chibi pattern for easy gluing together.

***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***

All of the chibis from the “Fire force” project, are made to fit together in a whole group, so they are all relative in height and basically made the same way. So, if you are interested in seeing all of them, just check the regular updates and my papercraft folder under “Fire Force papercrafts”, where all of them are going to be shown ;)

Happy crafting~ and "Latom!"