Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ranma (Ranma 1/2) papercraft

Next in line for the Ranma½ papercraft project is the main character from what we get the name of the anime obviously, so here is Ranma! Originally a boy, his water-based curse is when splashed with cold water he turns into a female. Causing a lot of miscief with this really XD but it's fun!

Ranma 1/2 Icon 
So because of his transformation, I had to do both Ranmas, the original male and the female :) The craft again has both the male and female included, and is 28 cm tall (male), so the female is about 25cm (again to make it fit with the other Ranma papercrafts I made in a group). It has 12 pages to print, 6 for the male, 6 for the female. I made both in the same pose, so you can see the difference in height and all, since he has the same clothes when he transforms, they become bigger on him/her etc. :) He/she have again some 2D 2-sided misc to make them look better and more original. A basic human papercraft in terms of building difficulty.

Think that Ranma is the most politically correct character in todays struggle to identify as a gender really XD he is both in one, one day male, next 5min female XD and the anime is more than 20 years old XD but as you can see, still very fresh :D

***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***

Hope you like it so far :) Only 1 of the characters to reveal tomorrow. Can you guess who it is? ;)

Happy crafting~

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