Thursday, October 20, 2022

Kyuruga (Yoru wa Neko to Issho) built papercraft

The premium template for this cute chunky kitty has already been shared, and now it’s the reveal-time for the assembly preview as well. So, TA-DAAA, here is the little loaf :D

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The base template preview is already posted and can be viewed here (and bought by contacting me in a private message so I can send you the PayPal for the deposit, as always):

***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***

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The template, when purchased, does come with the included blank PDO file as well, but some tips along the way that can maybe help you make it even simpler can be read here. So, here goes.



I always start from top to bottom, and since the flaps are also positioned that way, I do suggest you also make the head first and close it at the bottom.

Start by making the 2 ears, the 2 front legs and the tail separately. The most “difficult” part would be the tail, that you start at the tip and go along to the beginning, and maybe helping yourself with a stick or tweezers to close it up, since it has a too-narrow part for fingers to fit in. Take your time and do it slowly, aligning the simple textures of the fur.

Once you have those parts, start making the top of the head, gluing on the ears, and continue downwards, gluing on the front paws and at the end the tail. When you got everything together and the tail glued on firmly, simply glue the bottom flat part on there, and the model is done.

Additionally, you can also glue on the back whiskers on when the model is done. I also colored the backside of them black so they look neater and glued them at the parts the PDO shows. But these are optional parts and you can leave them out if you don’t want them.

In any case, it should be a really easy craft to assemble. It probably took me 4-5 hours to make it, including cutting out all of the parts. And it stands without problems or additional weights inside as well.

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Hope you like the little cat-loaf papercraft and that you’ll visit the site of the manga/anime creator as well to support the work :) The link can be found in the template link.

Do enjoy, have a wonderful kitty-filled-cuteness-day and happy 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Kyuruga (Yoru wa Neko to Issho) papercraft

This manga/short anime is absolute S-U-G-A-R. It’s so adorable and I want everybody to see it and watch it and love it XD Please visit their Youtube and support the manga creator as well:

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It’s a really cute 1-2-minute-long anime adaptation of the manga of a fat little funny cat named Kyuruga (from the derivation of the word “QR-code” in Japanese) and his owner that is getting to know the wonders of owning a cat and what all comes along-side it. Even the name of the cat alone is so funny and cute XD I love everything about this.

So of course, I had to make my own cute little Kyuruga in papercraft form :)

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The papercraft itself is unfolded to a 15 cm height and has a 3-page template to assemble it. It’s a basic 3D model of the fat little kitty in his sitting-loaf form, where the back legs are hidden in his fat/fur XD as well as optional 2D whiskers. Should be simple enough to make, the only small fiddly parts would be the tail parts, so I would say it’s a 4/10.

The papercraft is purposely made really simple, since I wanted to mimic the minimalistic take of the work and imitate the simple fur design of Kyuruga as well, so it was super fun to make, since it was just easy and relaxing to make, without any messy small details.

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I already made the loafy cutie for the assembly preview, so look forward to that as well :)

I hope you give the manga and the anime a chance and that you find the simple yet adorable animation style as charming as I do! Enjoy and happy crafting~

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***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***