I know, I know, I am late for Spooktober, BUT I wanted to start it the right way! And what better way to start it than with a kinda spooky, evil Pokemon character from the new game (which is going to be released in less than a month and a half!!!! iiiiii!!! :D) than with the galarian form of Zigzagoon, which I love so much XD Btw evil only because the new bad team in the game, team Yell, apparently have these by the ton :D so pretty sure I will get sick of this Pokemon really, really soon - as I always do with the badguy team -, but as long as the hype is real, love him anyway :D I mean look at his cool color-palette, so punk-ish :D love it.
The papercraft I have to say is pretty hard to do, because unlike other papercrafts, I never pre-bend the fold lines on the pieces, because at the end it looks so much smooth and real-figure-like, but in this one you HAVE to pre-bend them, else you have no idea how to put each and every spike together =_= and it's really draining too. So I started as I always do, making the 4 feet and the face first. I just love his little excited face with the tongue XD so much fun to make. But after you finish with those sepparate parts, it's off to make the probably 100 spikes on his body (didn't really count them, I am just guessing XD feels like 10000 when you are making them). So I started on the head and made my way to the tail, where I closed it at the end. You can also reverse it, make the tail first and colninue your way to the head and close it anywhere at his 4 paws as well, if you like it that way.
So after some hours of spiking and glueing, I finally finished it! Although I really don't like crafts where you have to pre-bend parts, and is hard to do, because you have to concentrate till the very end, he looks amazing. And all that 100 spikes make it look so real and so cool and amazing! And all that work at the end makes it worth, because you feel like you created something super awesome with your bare hands, that's why I love papercrafts so much :) I can't help it.
In any case, for those who would like infos on the template and how to get it, you can find it here:
Hope you like it, more skooptober to come soon~
Happy crafting~
Happy crafting~

***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***