A historical Pokemon event in the making: an actual new, female, protagonist of the anime, the successor of 25 years of Ash’s reign that came to an end :D And what better way to celebrate the anime than with a papercraft for all papercraft lovers out there. Here she is: Liko (or Riko, since the name “Liko” really sounds dumb and Japanese people don’t use L and it really sounds stupid, not like a real actual name, so I hope the translators actually come to their senses and start naming her the right way XD since we already had a Riko in Digimon, so what’s the deal with the L anyway?)

Aaaanyway, enough ranting, here she is, the cutie. The papercraft model was actually made before the anime even started, so all I had as a reference were a few pictures of her, so if all details aren’t 100% right, what can ya’ do :D

The papercraft itself is unfolded to 23 cm height and has 4 pages to print out. Relative smaller parts are with the Rotom phone and the fingers, else it’s a straightforward humanoid papercraft. You have the blank PDO file along with the files, so it should be easily do-able, but you can also write me for assembly tips anytime.
What I do have as an assembly tip: If you don’t want to make the Rotom phone in 3D and it’s too complicated, simply glue together both front and back side (without the edge) and cut away the flaps and make it 2D. Easy-peasy :)

The papercraft can be downloaded for FREE from my Patreon page, where I also post all of my other FREE papercrafts and some premium content that isn’t shared anywhere else for my Premium Patreon supporters:
I hope you enjoy the new Pokemon anime, I hope we all do really XD A bit of fresh air for the anime it going to be much welcomed, I have a feeling it’s gonna be really fun to watch. Anyway, do enjoy and I hope to see a lot of Liko/Riko fans making the papercraft of her as well. I love shared pictures of my finished papercrafts, I’m always so happy to be able to share them :)

Do enjoy the Riko papercraft template and happy crafting~

***This is a FREE papercraft that you can download for free on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/antyyyspapercrafts.
If you assemble any of them, please share the finished papercraft pictures in a post, a shared link, a tag to my page, or send pictures to me, so I can post them on my page. I am always happy to see anybody assembling my art :)***