Since I finally posted the last of the whole 9 Eeveelution chibis, I also made a picture of all of them together, so you can see them how they look side-by-side and that they are all the same scale to fit together as a whole group :)
And not to mention it’s a perfect timing, since the new Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet games are coming out tomorrow! The hype is real :D and *spoiler* all 9 of the Eeveelutions are also in there, so you can catch all the Eevees again :)
All 9 of the premium Eeveelution chibis I made are already posted in my gallery and their template preview images can be found under these links (from left to right):
Leafeon chibi human papercraft:
Espeon chibi human papercraft:
Umbreon chibi human papercraft:
Sylveon chibi human papercraft:
Eevee chibi human papercraft:
Jolteon chibi human papercraft:
Glaceon chibi human papercraft:
Flareon chibi human papercraft:
Vaporeon chibi human papercraft:
Which one do you like best? I really have to say, my all-time favorite Eeveelution Pokemon of these is absolutely Umbreon (which I always use in the games as well), HOWEVER, considering these color-combinations and looks, I really have to go with Leafeon here, because I do feel she is the cutest of the bunch and has the most dynamic pose and clothes. What do you think?
Hope you enjoy the little cuties and the new Pokemon game when it comes out as well. Enjoy and happy crafting~
***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***
And not to mention it’s a perfect timing, since the new Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet games are coming out tomorrow! The hype is real :D and *spoiler* all 9 of the Eeveelutions are also in there, so you can catch all the Eevees again :)

All 9 of the premium Eeveelution chibis I made are already posted in my gallery and their template preview images can be found under these links (from left to right):
Leafeon chibi human papercraft:

Espeon chibi human papercraft:

Umbreon chibi human papercraft:

Sylveon chibi human papercraft:

Eevee chibi human papercraft:

Jolteon chibi human papercraft:

Glaceon chibi human papercraft:

Flareon chibi human papercraft:

Vaporeon chibi human papercraft:

Which one do you like best? I really have to say, my all-time favorite Eeveelution Pokemon of these is absolutely Umbreon (which I always use in the games as well), HOWEVER, considering these color-combinations and looks, I really have to go with Leafeon here, because I do feel she is the cutest of the bunch and has the most dynamic pose and clothes. What do you think?
Hope you enjoy the little cuties and the new Pokemon game when it comes out as well. Enjoy and happy crafting~

***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***