Another one of my built papercrafts I can show you is "Otus" from the super cute and cool game "Owlboy"! :) A must-play game if you ask me, so play it :D
The papercraft itself is about 25cm tall. He has a 3D body, with a 2D 2-sided cape, 2D 2-sided yellow fillers, and his 3D gem on his chest.
As with any papercraft, I started with the head. I made the nose and made the whole face first. After that I made the hair. Since it has many spikes and all, it's a bit fiddly to make, since you have to really look on how you have to bend the paper to make it glue together. That took some time. So I was really happy to finish that after a while, since it's more fiddly than the hands. Anyway, as I finished the hair, I glued that on the face, and finished all of the head till the white neck part. So the first step was finished.
Now since Otus has a 2D 2-sided cape that can be attached at his neck part, I had to make the cape next. So you just glued that together with the parts, and glued the one part that has flaps on his neck. So I has his head and cape. After I had that, I decided to make the body part in 2 parts, the upper torso and the legs, since I wanted to make it easier for me to glue the torso really tight together at the neck part with the cape. Therefore I made both hands and arms first (and these hands are pretty simple, compared to others, since the fingers are just normal 4-sided cuboids). After I had the hands I made the upper torso part and glued it together, so I had the hole for the neck and the hole at the bottom where the legs are made, to make it easier to glue on the head. So, I glued that easy as pie thanks to the bottom hole on the head and cape and 2/3 of the craft were finished.
All that was left were the legs. I made those attaching each part of them on the already built parts, since I wanted it to hold together really tight at the hips as well. It's a bit fiddly because of the cape part, but it's duable. If you want, you can also sepparately make the head and body part and then glue them together with the cape, as you prefer. But, as said, I decided to make it on the arm part, and as you finish at the feet, you can close them at the soles, like I normally do. And there you go! All that was left was to glue the 2D 2-sided accessories on him, such as the yellow fillers, the "moustaches" and his 3D gem (which is just a easy cube craft). And there you go, a finished Owlboy all for yourself :)
For anybody wanting to know more info on my template, you got it here:
Enjoy and happy crafting~

***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***