Starting the new year with a witch papercraft XD because why not, I love witches and everything wicca. I already posted the preview of my witch Braxien, that you can view here:
what remains are some tips & tricks on how to assemble it with a bit of a lesser struggle :D

The witch Braxien papercraft is basically a normal Braxien with an (optional) add-on witch costume and parts to go along. So, you make the Braxien papercraft first, separately, and then all add the separate parts on at the end.
As with everything I make considering papercrafts, start with the head. Make the 2 ears and the 2 orange flames separately and glue them together. Once you have those, start assembling the spiky cheeks and the snout and when you have the face part done, glue on those 2 ears. Then glue on the remaining backside parts and close the head at the back.
Next you can make the 2 separate arms, the tail and the 2 legs. Start with the legs and glue on the body parts from top to bottom, until you come to the part where the tail needs to go. Glue on the tail and move upwards till you have all the yellow body parts done. Now, take the 2 pre-made arms and start gluing on the white fur parts of the body together. When you have the separate yellow and black legs parts and the separate white arm parts, simple glue together both part, but don’t forget to fill the tip of the tail and the 2 legs a bit with some weights so it will hold the weights of the extra add-ons nicely, without tipping over.
When you have the body done, simply glue on the head on there and you are done. If you want to make it a bit interactive *pro-tip: you can curl-up leftover paper and put the curl inside the neck part of the body, while tucking in (or cutting away) the remaining flaps. Make sure the curl is wide enough to cover the whole inner side of the neck hole. Then you can easily slide on the head, making it able to rotate 360°and being able to move any way you want.
The Braxien model is now done, and all that remain is to glue on the optional witch parts on there. Start by cutting out the cape parts and glue the bottom parts of the cape together bellow the tail. Then glue on the flowing cape part on the neck cape part and that should be enough to make it hold without any extra glue. You can also decorate the cape and add the bows on there at will.
Next parts are the flame stick and the 3D book. The book is best made by making the white pages parts first and then sliding the red covers on there and gluing it together like that. The stick is made by putting together the 4 stick parts and closing it with the long stick part to make it easier, and then gluing on the 2-sided flame on there. The stick and book are then glued on the 2 arms or *pro-tip: if you have smaller magnets, you can glue them on the inside of the hands and in the book and stick so you can make them interchangeable and put them on or off at will. Same can also be done with the fire stick.
All that remains is the iconic witches hat. For this, make the hat tip first and glue the front part of the visor with the hat (but don’t close it yet). Because now, you slide on the hat around the ears, and glue the back part of the visor on the hat while on the Braxien model, else you won’t get the hat on, because of the huge ears. And you can also decorate the hat with the bows and pokeballs at will.
And the witchy Braxien is ready and done.

***As with any of my papercraft, the blank, locked PDO file is always in the files, along with all the PDF versions, and you can help yourself with that. But since some parts can be made in a simpler way, I like to post my assembly experience and give some extra tips on how to make it with lesser effort :)
Hope you like the cutie in any case and happy crafting~

***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***