Thursday, August 31, 2023

Trash taste guys papercrafts

Sooo, quite an unusual papercraft job I got with this, so maybe a bit of an explanation what this is about.

I was approached by a person that wanted me to make 4 different papercrafts for the upcoming event they are going to and where these “Trash taste guys” and going to show up live (if I understood it correct)? So, I googled it and apparently these guys are hugely popular in the anime-verse with their podcasts they do.

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The Vtuber “Ironmouse” and all 3 guys that I made have their own cosplay outfit that I made for them and they probably mean something specific in their podcast group or are meant as an inside joke of some sort (I didn’t go as far as to ask the person what it means and I don’t listen to podcasts myself at all), but I thought it would be fun and interesting to do guys in dresses, so I said why not.

From left to right we have:

-          The Vtuber Irnomouse with her Super Sailor Chibi Moon (Sailor Moon) cosplay outfit,

-          “Gigguk” in his Tohsaka Rin (Fate) cosplay outfit,

-          “The Anime Man” in his Beatrice (Re:Zero) cosplay outfit and

-          “CDawgVA” in his Lisa Lisa (Jojo’s bizarre adventure) cosplay outfit.

All of them are unfolded to 20 cm height, since that is the standard height for most human papercrafts I make anyway.

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So, as a treat, I decided to release all 4 of them in the upcoming weeks for my premium Patreon supporters on my page to download. Since all of them are assembled the same way, the heads are interchangeable and you can basically use the base cosplay outfit on any ca. 20 cm big papercraft and use that to your liking.

I won’t show how they look like or how the outfits look. Supporters will just have to see it themselves if they are interested 😉

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***These are premium papercrafts that are only available to download on my Patreon page - for premium supporters only. The papercrafts cannot be bought or downloaded anywhere else. For more info, please visit my Patreon page:***

If you are interested in a paid commission, or have any questions regarding my commissions and the general process, you can read about those here:***

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So, just wanted to share this because I thought it was super quirky and fun and that you can take any idea and commission it as a papercraft :)


Many more posts coming on here as on my Patreon page as well, so stay tuned. Enjoy and happy crafting~

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Saw some really nice gijinka aka humanoid Pokemon illustrations online, so I got the inspiration to make a human OC papercraft out of the elegant Pokemon Milotic, since it has a really nice design and I love the color combinations on it as well.   

I went for a really elegant and strong pose, with a traditional kimono and fan look, with a lot of extra and cute add-ons, such as different bows and accessories. The hair is also really different, since I followed the reference picture of the humanoid Pokemon and wanted to make it longer and in a tail, so it resembles the original Milotic design more as well.

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The papercraft itself is unfolded to 25 cm and consists of 6 printable pages. It has a 3D model of the Milotic girl, as well as some add-on 2D items, such as the long sash, some bows, etc. Since the long kimono bottom is there, the craft can be made by dividing the parts into smaller parts that you built separately and then glue together into 1 part, but it’s all visible from the included PDO file you get with the purchase, so it’s all visible there.

The papercraft has 2 legs to stand on as well as the long, dragging kimono on the bottom, so it does not have any problems standing at the end. Some smaller parts include the hands and the feet with the separate geta, so I would give it a 7/10.

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***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***

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Hope you like her and happy crafting~