so, I had to make at least some of the cuties and show all of you how ADORABLE this little chick are XD just wookk at themmmm, swooo kwwute :3
Each of the birds took me 1-2 hours to make, since I am a fast assembler (and because I made the 3D parts into 2D parts, which you can do yourself as well – read *NOTE below).
They are really simple to make, since they are a boxy shape and there are no small parts to make, apart from the beak.
Start with the feather crest.For the crest *pro-tip: glue both sides of the crest on a wire. This way, the crest will hold on the head and you’ll be able to pose and bend it later on.
Set aside and make the separate wings and tail. You need to either glue them together with the stripe part in the middle to make them 3D, or cut out the stripe away and make a makeshift 2D part.
Set those aside as well and start with the assembly of the main bird body. As with all of my papercrafts, you start from top to bottom. Meaning, you start making the top of the head and make the whole head part first. Next, glue together the smaller beak, put glue on the flaps of it, and slide the beak inside the head and glue it on like that. This way it’s simpler to make, and the beak will be 100% in the middle, since you can move it.
Now we need to glue the feather crest inside the head before continuing with the remaining body. Make a small incision with a x-knife where the texture shows you, just small enough to make the crest width with the wire fit inside. When you slid the wire and crest inside the incision, glue the remaining wire on the inside with tape and tape it well. The crest will now hold and you’ll be able to pose it.
Then make the remaining body of the bird. And when you come to the last bottom part with the legs, pre-bend the legs first, bend the flaps of the legs outwards and glue the legs together. When you have the legs, you can glue them then on the bird body and close it that way. The papercraft does NOT need weights or anything, since it can sit just fine, because of its simple boxy design.
And all that is left is to glue on the 2 wings and the tail part at the angle you wish, and the cute pudgy birdy is done
*NOTE that I did make the birds with 2D parts. If you do not wish to make the bird with 3D wings and a 3D tail, you can cut off the middle stripe part and just glue the front and back part together as a 2D part. That way the assembly is not only easier to make, but also faster.
Since I do all of the papercraft 100% and completely by myself (not only the design, texture and 3D model and pose, but also the built previews and pictures), I do sometimes skip parts or make them simpler. I basically did an easier version of them to make these in a few hours and to be able to show them to you, since I got so much other stuff to work on
*** This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDFs and blank, locked PDO file for assembly. – You can buy and download the template here:
You can view all of my available premium papercrafts that are for sale on my Ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/antyyyspapercrafts ***
Hope you find the origami birds as adorable as I do.
Enjoy and happy crafting~
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