Monday, November 23, 2020

Ponyta (Pokemon) built papercraft


Ponyta (Pokemon) built papercraft

Pokemon time! And time to show my built Ponyta I recently put together (If nothing else, these quarantine times are a great way for me to really get my papercrafting going and make things that were due ages ago, so at least I got that going for me this year XD).

The papercraft is about 25 cm tall, so it’s quite big and comfortable to work with, since the only small fiddly parts are the hooves. So, I would say it’s probably about a 6/10 on a difficulty scale. It took me probably 12 hours to make, but as always said, it depends how quick you are.

As with all my builds, I make it from head to bottom. So first I made the 2 ears and made my way to make the mane around it. The mane (and later the fire on the legs and tail) have some 2-sided parts that are just glued together, it is visible from the template, so they are actually easy to make, since you just put them together with the matching same ends of the stripes. I made the mane all the way to the tip, and after that made my way, gluing stripe by stripe, to make the head all the way to the neck part.

Since the hooves are a bit tricky to make, I decided to make the 4 legs separately and then glue them one by one on the body, since I think it’s easier to make and you don’t have the problem of things falling down as you would constantly rotate the body with the parts. I made the 4 legs the same way, bottom to top, making sure to keep in mind that the fire part of each leg is simply glued together. That way it’s again simple to put together, and the legs hold really well if you want to put weights in them or reinforce them from the inside.

Once I had the 4 legs, I took the head with the neck part I made before and glued the 2 front legs on, then glued the other part of the body and the 4 back legs. Be careful, since when putting the 2 back legs on at the end can be a bit tricky, so do take your time, glue 1 by 1 flap to make it neatly attached together.

Now that you have the horse with 4 legs, you can already see if the Pokemon will stand or not. I found the papercraft to be very top-heavy, so I did put in some pebbles in the front and back right legs. That way it does not tip over and stands with ease. - If you are building it yourself, you have to check the balance at this point, since you have a hole left for the tail attachment, so use that to put in weights at this point.

And once you get it ready and standing, all that is left is the tail. You glue that one the same way you made the mane, with some parts that are mirrored in the flaps to be glued together, till you reach the tip. At that point all you need to do it glue the last tip to the remaining tail to close it, and the papercraft is ready.

I do find the pose to be very pleasing to the eye, it really captures the dynamic wild nature of Ponyta and it now has a special place in my papercraft display at home :) I was wondering if I should make the shiny version, since the template has both, but I did then decide to make the normal one so you get a look at the actual color. But I am thinking of making the shiny version next, since I love the blue flames on Ponyta so much XD

The template and info on how to purchase it can be found here:

I do hope you like it and happy crafting~


***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***

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