Ohh people, have I got an eyecatcher for you here. I have been working on this little baby since the new anime came out, since I love it so much and it reminds me of "Ao no exorcist". OF COURSE I am talking about the new super awesome anime "Fire force" or "Enen no shouboutai", which has one of the most lovable main characters for me in this season, called "Shinra Kusakabe". I love him so much and he has just immediately had a place in my heart from episode 1, I mean now can you not love that demon grin on his face XD so funny, love it (btw he is a hero, not a bad guy for those who don't know him yet XD GO WATCH THE ANIME!!! :D)
And since I love the character and the anime so much, I wanted to make a papercraft figure worthy of him. So how else could it be as to make him in his attack with the devil's footprints, his awesome ability to create fire out of his feet XD really something else people, I tell you. So from the begining I have had a vision on how I wanted to make this craft and what pose he should have and I am super proud of it :)

The papercraft, which is about 30 cm, has a whooping 19 pages, since half of those are the flames for the super hot stand he is on XD Each flame of the stand is 2-sided and is meant to be glued on the built 3D stand, so it really gives that cool firely feel of it, without being too hard to make, and still looks freaking soo cool XD
So, as already mentioned, the craft consists of 2 separate elements, well actually 3 if you count the 3D 2-sided firefighter helmet in the air (which I added in for anybody who wants to put the helmet on him or just on the podest besides for a cooler overall view). The Shinra papercraft is, of course, separate, so you can make only the figure if you want (although he does not stand on his own, so you will have to make your own stand or put him on wires/thread), or just the podest :D it's really so cool XD love it to bits. He has attached 2-sided hair, which the 2 bangs on each side you glue with edges as 1 stripe on the head. Nice and simple. He has 5 fingers, so those are a bit fiddly, as are all fingers (I hate making those myself to much XD but if you want the papercraft to really look nice at the end, you got to give a bit of effort ;)), some 2-sided pieces of his uniform for a better overall look at the end, but nothing shoould be hard to do, since I wanted it to look super cool but at the same time make as easy to build as possible.

Ahhh, I really love the stand with the flames (which I modeled from the original anime flames btw, so it's with reference XD). A bit of a extra info maybe interesting for those who are hardcore fans. I actually searched for some reference picutres for the colors etc, and I saw that in the actual manga the firefighter helmet actually spells "Fire soldier" as with the anime they decided to go with "Fireforce", hence the iconic anime title in English, which is not a word-to-word translation of the original Japanese title :) So no comments that the helmet typing is wrong XD it's from the anime.
***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***
Happy crafting~ and "Latom!" ;)
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