Yaaay, finally managed to finish my Hoozuki papercraft as well XD so here you go people! This is the built papercraft of Hoozuki from the anime "Hoozuki no Reitetsu".

The craft is a whooping 50 cm tall, since I wanted it to fit with the other 2 characters I have made, Shiro the shiba inu and Karashi the sadistic bunny, so all 3 of them make up a perfect group and are proportionally high according to the real height in the anime.

The papercraft consist of 2 separate parts, the body and his skiky club, so I started by making the club first :D After I finished it and had some fun with that (I mean come on you make an iron-spiked club you have to at least swing it around a few times and pretend to club people XD why else make it then!!! have fun with papercrafts people!) I started making the fingers, since I hate that part most and wanted to have that out of the way as soon as possible. I built the fingers and then the hands and went up to the shoulders so both arms were made sepparately.
***PRO TIP: A tip maybe for fingers or any parts that are super similar to each other and you like, as me, cut every piece out first and then move on to gluing them together. I always turn the printed template page over and mark every part of the fingers with 1, 2, 3 etc, and draw it very softly with a pencil, so I know, when they are cut out, what piece needs to go on top of the other piece. You can use the same principle with indistinguishable pieces so you don't have to think so much and compare them with the templates.***
Then I made the separate head (icluding horn) and the hair with the 2-sided pieces and glued both of them together at the end, since I found it easier like that. After I got the whole head I glued the 2D ears on as well. So I got the head and continued my way with the stripes till I had the upper shoulder part of the torso, so I could attach both previously made arms on it. Then I made the rest of the torso with the kimono, gluing each piece on the already made upper part of the body, turining it on the head so it was easier made. After that I built the feet separately to glue them on the already built body. !Warning! be sure to keep the kimono on one side, either at the front where separate 2D, 2-sided kimono flap goes, or at the back open, else you will not get the built feet it (if you want to atrach the built feet to the kimono, which I sugest is the easiest way to go). *Aditionally you can also put the already built feet part in the hanging kimono part in, but then you would have to attach the second part of the kimono with the feet on the upper torso.* As I went with the 1. option I slided the feet uder his kimono and glued them on like that and closed the front part with the 2D, 2-sided kimono cloth, and he was finished :) Of course I put the club in his hand and it stands ok, but I suggest adding a tiny drop on the shoulder to keep it from falling off, as I did.

The craft is not hard to do, since it is so big you also don't have to fiddly with the fingers as much, since they are comfortably scaled to make. Not to mention you get to make a iron-spiked club, which is super fun to play with (we are all grown-up children inside, don't be so stiff about it :D just go with it).
For anybod interested in making the papercraft, you can find aditional info about it here:
And be sure to check the other 2 as well, so you can make the pairing complete, if you so wish ;)
Enjoy and happy crafting!

The craft is not hard to do, since it is so big you also don't have to fiddly with the fingers as much, since they are comfortably scaled to make. Not to mention you get to make a iron-spiked club, which is super fun to play with (we are all grown-up children inside, don't be so stiff about it :D just go with it).
For anybod interested in making the papercraft, you can find aditional info about it here:
And be sure to check the other 2 as well, so you can make the pairing complete, if you so wish ;)
Enjoy and happy crafting!
***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***
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