Next I want to present you a very special Pokemon from the new Sword/Shield Galar generation, it's Cursola. I wanted to make this Pokemon no matter what, because I think it's a super cool design choice and I love the primary form of Corsola, new and old, as well, and I love it that they gave it a evolution line now. I like the idea to make people aware (with the help of Pokemon) that the corals and coral reefs around the world are dying, and I think it should help a person or 2 to think about these important things. That's why I wanted to showcase this Pokemon today and release it as a papercraft.

Now this papercraft is very special. Why? Well, if you look at the Pokemon design itself, the round head/sphere inside the body is floating and the body is transparent and ghost-like. Of course you can make that with a 3D model when you animate and rig it, so you add transparent layers and glowing and such. But how the hell would you do something like this as a papercraft, where everything is more or less texture static? Well, I have though about the design and how to make it original for quite some time, and I think I have the perfect solution for it, and it's easier to make than any other option.
How, you ask? Simple. I have made a 3D body of Cursola, left the face part of it as holes, so you can see inside the body, and made the sepparate face-sphere in the inside, WHICH you have to hang inside the body on a wire or thread, so it can "float" inside. This is really the best solution I can think of, because it's easy to make (you just build the outer body as a normal 3D papercraft, and at the middle of the build, you hang the face-sphere in the middle so it floats, and build the remaining other half of the body. Simple and effective. This also allows the sphere in the middle to sway around, so it really looks like a ghostly animated orb! I really think it's a clever design, and I can't wait to build this myself as well!
Else the papercraft template itself is 40 cm tall, since I wanted it to be bigger and therefor easier to build. It has 20 pages to print, and comes with the normal and shiny texture to assemble, as you can see at the bottom of the preview. All in all, it should not be hard to make, all the coral parts are 3D and you simply follow the edge ID files to make it. Maybe a bit time-consuming, because of all the coral parts, but not hard to make. And it looks as original as you can make it with normal printed paper. (Maybe the bravest out there could actually make the outer body with transparent thin foil, that would be even more original, but it would be hard to glue it together - maybe as an idea or tip for the future...).

Now this papercraft is very special. Why? Well, if you look at the Pokemon design itself, the round head/sphere inside the body is floating and the body is transparent and ghost-like. Of course you can make that with a 3D model when you animate and rig it, so you add transparent layers and glowing and such. But how the hell would you do something like this as a papercraft, where everything is more or less texture static? Well, I have though about the design and how to make it original for quite some time, and I think I have the perfect solution for it, and it's easier to make than any other option.
How, you ask? Simple. I have made a 3D body of Cursola, left the face part of it as holes, so you can see inside the body, and made the sepparate face-sphere in the inside, WHICH you have to hang inside the body on a wire or thread, so it can "float" inside. This is really the best solution I can think of, because it's easy to make (you just build the outer body as a normal 3D papercraft, and at the middle of the build, you hang the face-sphere in the middle so it floats, and build the remaining other half of the body. Simple and effective. This also allows the sphere in the middle to sway around, so it really looks like a ghostly animated orb! I really think it's a clever design, and I can't wait to build this myself as well!
Else the papercraft template itself is 40 cm tall, since I wanted it to be bigger and therefor easier to build. It has 20 pages to print, and comes with the normal and shiny texture to assemble, as you can see at the bottom of the preview. All in all, it should not be hard to make, all the coral parts are 3D and you simply follow the edge ID files to make it. Maybe a bit time-consuming, because of all the coral parts, but not hard to make. And it looks as original as you can make it with normal printed paper. (Maybe the bravest out there could actually make the outer body with transparent thin foil, that would be even more original, but it would be hard to glue it together - maybe as an idea or tip for the future...).
***This is a premium papercraft that you need to purchase in order to receive the PDF and blank PDO files for assembly. – You can find all information about the PayPal purchase in the provided upper outgoing link.***
I hope you like the it and the design idea behind it as well, stay tuned for more and happy crafting~
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